the little big spoon

Hi There.

Welcome to my yummy site, where I share wholesome, nutritious and easy recipes for everyone in your family!

Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding

What’s with these tiny, poppyseed imposters we see, known as chia seeds?

Well, they are nutrient dense tiny power houses that, when properly made, are easy to digest and will keep you fuller longer. Notable features are high in protein, fiber, vitamins and mindrrals. I mean, can we ask for more?

BUT (!) I want to repeat, if chia seeds are prepared properly. Especially for those of us with digestive problems and IBD, chia can leave us feeling bloated and sluggish if not made and digested properly. I know it had that effect on me ...

So this recipe features a way to ensure they are soaked for a long enough time, allowing them to not effect your belly in any negative ways. 

This recipe is also a good amount of a snack to have in hand for several days. Though delish, try to avoid eating the whole thing one sitting. Who would do such a thing ;-)


Thanks to UMass Med nutrition for helping to inspire this yummy recipe for us who are gut challenged.  


You’ll​ need ...​

  • 3/4 c coconut yogurt​
  • 3/4 c almond milk​
  • 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract​
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1/4 c chia seeds​
  • optional - fruit purée for topping​

​What to do ...

  1. In a large container with a tight cover (ie. Mason jar) add all wet ingredients and whisk really well. 
  2. Add salt and chia seeds and whisk thoroughly again. ​
  3. Tighten cover and shake shake shake
  4. Allow mixture to sit and thicken for several hours or overnight.​
  5. ​Once mixture is more of a pudding consistency, too with your favorite fruit purée. 




IBD-AID Crepes & Wraps

IBD-AID Crepes & Wraps

Green Smoothie Pancakes

Green Smoothie Pancakes